How can I stay fit?

Stay positive

Having a positive mental attitude is the key. Find activities in which you have fun. 

For us for example this means exercising with someone, a friend or a family member. 

Small changes make a difference

Take it one step at a time. 

For example instead of taking a ride walk or ride the bike. Use stairs instead of an elevator. When using the bus get off a few stops earlier and walk the rest.

Aerobic activity

Exercise which makes you breathe harder and increase your heart rate as well as lose body fat. 

Examples of this can be, soccer, basketball, swimming, running and also walking 

Warm up!

Start of with an easy exercise and stretch before doing any strenuous physical activities. This will warm up muscles and help against injuries. Make sure to stretch also after exercising!


The goal is to be able to have some type of exercise everyday. The ideal would be to have around 20-30min. each day. Even one minute interactions from continued studying will help both your fitness and mental health.


Make sure to get rest, not too much but not too little. Around 7-10 hours would be ideal. 

Home workout 10m, lose belly fat.
Done by Dries 

Home workout 10m, lose belly fat.
Done by Rowan Row

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